Paytm All-in-One SDK plugin for Cordova/Ionic Applications Paytm All-in-One SDK provides a swift, secure and seamless payment experience to your users by invoking the Paytm app (if installed on your user’s smartphone) to complete payment for your order. Paytm All-in-One SDK enables payment acceptance via Paytm wallet, Paytm Payments Bank, saved Debit/Credit cards, Net Banking, BHIM UPI and EMI as available in your customer’s Paytm account. If Paytm app is not installed on a customer's device, the transaction will be processed via web view within the All-in-One SDK. For more information about Paytm All-in-One SDK, please visit
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- Capacitor
- Cordova
- Enterprise
$ npm install cordova-paytm-allinonesdk
$ npm install @awesome-cordova-plugins/all-in-one-sdk
$ ionic cap sync
$ ionic cordova plugin add cordova-paytm-allinonesdk
$ npm install @awesome-cordova-plugins/all-in-one-sdk
Ionic Enterprise comes with fully supported and maintained plugins from the Ionic Team. Learn More or if you're interested in an enterprise version of this plugin Contact Us
Supported Platforms
- Android
- iOS
Learn more about using Ionic Native components in React
import { AllInOneSDK } from '@awesome-cordova-plugins/all-in-one-sdk/ngx';
constructor(private allInOneSDK: AllInOneSDK) { }
For below parameters see [documentation](
let paymentIntent = { mid : merchantID, orderId: orderId, txnToken: transactionToken, amount: amount, isStaging: isStaging, callbackUrl:callBackURL, restrictAppInvoke:restrictAppInvoke }
.then((res: any) => console.log(res))
.catch((error: any) => console.error(error));
For iOS: After adding the plugin, open the iOS project, you can find the same at <projectName>/platforms/ios. In case merchant don’t have callback URL, Add an entry into Info.plist LSApplicationQueriesSchemes(Array) Item 0 (String)-> paytm Add a URL Scheme “paytm”+”MID”